Motion Sickness

Hello, and yes I have been listening to Phoebe Bridgers, why do you ask? In case you missed it...I've returned to France, mostly so I could get my hands on Leffe Ruby, the beer of my dreams that is inexplicably hard to get in the states. Also to get better at French. Also to do something. 

After spending so much time in COVID land, nestled back in my childhood bedroom, and creating a schedule for myself made up of biking, walking across central park for no reason, seeing the 5 people who were safe to meet up with in NYC, and watching TikToks religiously, I saw this France thing as a way to make moves despite the difficulties of these ~unprecedented~ times. When I agreed to the program, the COVID numbers were almost non-existant, compared to the USA, and I envisioned a study abroad pt. 2, complete with long train rides to Paris, flights to any European country I could afford, and mostly, a little relief from the fear that the USA has been injecting into our daily lives since....January 2016?

Well. Things have changed. The case numbers here have swollen, and larger cities are shutting down their restaurants and cafes, and I am in my tiny little town, walking around mostly empty streets, wondering about the way current events have sliced all of our lives. Things continue, of course. I'm planning to start teaching next week, mask on. If 2020 has taught me anything, it's to be aware, prepare, and know that there's no such thing as preparation in the face of this strange world. 

So. I don't know. Is that surprising coming from a recent grad? I guess I'm still getting used to the idea that I'm the one designing my path and my priorities now. It's a little freaky, especially for a girl who wrote her own syllabus for post-grad. Guess what? It appears there aren't any graduation requirements for regular life. 

ANYWAY, gotta keep my loyal blog followers updated, bien sûr, so whatever happens, you'll probably hear something from me. Here are some photos from my long afternoon walks in the French rain, and the playlist that's been getting me through. bisous.


  1. you are my hero. Ou sont let personne???

  2. comme c'est magnifique! J'espère que vous allez bien (????)


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